Dr. H.K. Bali - Cardiologist, Chandigarh

Dr. H.K. Bali

Director Cardioloy, Fortis Mohali

Areas of Expertise: Angioplasty, Coronary Intervention

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Myocardial Tuberculosis presenting as restrictive cardiomyopathy

Obtained while the patient was breathing 100% oxygen. of the interatrial communication, the degree of right ventricular hypoplasia, and the maintenance of adequate blood flow to the lungs. The age of onset of symptoms varies; however, prolonged survival into adult life is rare. Sackner et a1. 3 described a patient who survived to the age of 30, dying from refractory right heart failure. The clinical course of our patient is unique due to his prolonged survival into adult life. Furthermore, despite marked cyanosis, he has remained relatively.

Bali HK, Wahi S, Anand IS, Datta BN, Wahi PL. Myocardial Tuberculosis presenting as restrictive cardiomyopathy. Am Heart J. 1990; 120(3); 703- 706. 

